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Notifications 19 Dec 2023

Canopy Growth Corp: Reverse Stock Split


Please be informed that Canopy Growth Corp’s (CGC) 1-for-10 reverse stock split is set to take effect on 20 December 2023.

Following the announcement of the exercise, all positions of CGC will be restricted to ‘Close Only’ from 19 December 2023 until further notice.

How will the reverse stock split affect you?

Account TypeOrder TypeNew PriceNew Volume
LiveOpen positions*10x Original Price1/10x Original Volume
Stop loss/ take profit settings
Pending orders**RemovedRemoved
DemoOpen positionsRemovedRemoved
Pending orders**

*If your position is smaller than 1 lot or with decimal points, please adjust your positions accordingly. Otherwise, your position will be closed or rounded down to the nearest whole number based on the closing price on 19 December 2023. For open positions bigger than 1 lot or without decimal points, the price and volume of the shares held will be adjusted to reflect the exercise.

**All pending orders including buy limit, sell limit, buy stop, sell stop, buy stop limit, and sell stop limit will be removed.

Common shares of CGC will trade at the new reverse split-adjusted price from 20 December 2023. For more information, please refer here.

If you have any questions about these changes, or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected].